The Greats of Tae Kwon Do

"Joe Hayes shook the world!" were the remarks of  TKD Hall of Fame Advisor
and leading authority on the subject Grand Master Henry Cho as he reflected on
the skills of the legendary Joseph Hayes.  In addition to serving as Captain of the
USA Team which placed 2nd in the 1st World Taekwondo Championships held
in Korea in 1973, Joe Hayes dominated the competition throughout the North
American continent during the 60's and 70's. While his trademark reverse punch was
unstoppable, his multiple aerial kicks during fighting were both spectacular and devastating.
During the 70's a major television program aired a slow motion clip of Joe Hayes in mid-flight
spinning  alongside a  comparison clip of the legendary ballet dancer Rudolph Nureiev, also
in mid-flight. Admired by the late Bruce Lee, Joe Hayes' skills resulted in his being inducted
into the very prestigiuos 1972 Black Belt Hall of Fame.  Joe Hayes is a man who received
admiration not only the top  players but from the legendary Bruce Lee as well.  

In ths never before published photograph Bruce Lee congratulates his close friend Joseph Hayes after yet another
victorious day for Hayes in competition held in Wash D.C. Circa 1969 -     Photo Courtesy of Rafael Rodriguez